
Fertilion-M tablets provides a combination of essential multivitamins and multi-elements, that help boost male fertility. Lycopene improves sperm power to swim and increases its concentration.

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Fertilion-M capsules provide a combination of essential multivitamins and multi-elements, that help boost male fertility. Lycopene improves sperm power to swim and increases its concentration. L- Carnitine plays a crucial role in the formation of sperm. Glutathione also shows a positive effect on sperm formation and morphology. The antioxidant helps to reduce oxidative stress. Available at Rangechem pharmacies countrywide, or on delivery on orders placed.

This is a supplement for men that contains several vitamins and micro elements that are required to enhance male fertility, boost libido and improve the overall reproductive health.

It contains lycophene which increase sperm concentration. It also has Vitamin  E, Glutathione, Co enzyme Q10, Vitamin C. L- Carnitine, Ginseng Folic acid, zinc,selenium, iron.

Benefits of fertilion-M capsules

  • Increase sperm count and motility
  • improve sperm quality
  • enhance male fertility
  • increase libido
  • improve testosterone production

Dosage: One capsule twice daily. Available at Rangechem pharmacies countrywide, or on order on delivery.

Additional information

Weight 30 kg


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